
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Everyone that just watched the Yankees game were privalged to see one of the best games you will ever see! The Yankees are finally back. Yes I know a lot of people hate the Yankees because "supposedily" they cheat baseball and spend a ton of money. Yes they spend money, but why not? Their is no salary cap, and you have an owner with a bunch of money, so why not go out and spend money. We all can see that spending money doesn't always bring you championships. Just look at the Rays last year, that was all farm talent, and they made it all the way to the World Series. I believe this stat is right and I heard it somewhere, but since 2001, the Yankees have spent 1.2 billion dollars. WOW. That's ridiculous. I mean you gotta do what you gotta do. I personally was so pumped when the Yankees went out and got CC, Burnett, Teixeria, and Swisher. I personally wasn't that thrilled with CC, because I thought he threw his arm out, after the ridiculous numbers he put up last year. Yes A-Rod may make 30 million a year, and I think that's WAY too much for any player, he's a straight up stud. Finally his post-season jinx is over, and he came to play this year. Finally the burden was taken off his back, and they went out and got another power hitter and pitcher, which eased him up. A-Rod finally didn't have all of New York on his back, and feel like he had to carry his team. He may have taken steriods, but please who hasn't. Yes I don't agree that its right to take steroids, its cheating for sure, but c'mon people, give the man a break. He admitted using steroids, and actually came out and announced he had used steroids. Has Bonds, Sosa, Mcgwire, Palmerio came out and announced they used steroids, I don't think so. Peronally I don't agree with what A-Rod did, but I have forgiven him for what he did, because he apologized and came out and admitted that he did use steroids.

The post season he has had so far has been nothing but stellar. Watch out everyone, because with that powerful Yankee lineup, the bullpen, and the amazing starters they have, this is the year for number 27. I mean they didn't give Joe Girardi number 27 for no reason, they knew eventually they were going to win one, and Girardi was going to be the man that did that. People may hate the Yankees, and A-Rod, but their's no denying he's one of the best players EVER to play the game, and the guy is just clutch. For all of you who care, I personally called A-Rod was gonna hit a home run! With A-Rod bombing balls out of the park, the pitchers just dominating, a shutdown bullpen, and the best closer ever, this is the year the Yankees finally get number 27!

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