
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Friday, October 23, 2009

Post in response to the moron who ripped on my Sid and Ovechkin post

Ok buddy I agree with some of your post, but others of it are complete garbage. You say I need to learn hockey and just stick to the Duquesne Basketball posting. If you want to talk hockey, then why did you not make a site yourself? I mean I appreciate the comment, but if your going to go around saying the article is completely messed up, the build your own site (if you know how to do it that is), and post blogs about hockey, and how great you think Sid Crosby and the Pens are.
One point that you made clear, that I forgot to put, and I thank you for writing was that I failed to mention that Ovechkin is a one dimensional player. I forgot the "dirty" part, where he plays with reckless abandon, hits people, cheats the rules, and takes cheap shots of player. Case example, was in game 4, when Ovechkin stuck out his knee, while Gonchar was coming up the ice, injuring Gonchar, knocking him out for the next two games. Luckily he was able to come back for game 7 of the series, and help propel the Pens to a victory past their hated rival the Caps. Yes in his career Sid has more penalty minutes.81 more PIM just to be exact. Yes Crosby may have more Penalty minutes than Ovechkin, but this can be said from a NHL perspective, that Ovechkin plays the game with more reckless abandon than does Crosby. Ovechkin does care who it is with the puck, he's going to go hit the man. Ovechkin takes cheap shots on people. Yes Crosby does the same, when he gets frustrated he does dumb things and takes dumb penalties. I'll give you that one for sure, but overall I believe I am speaking from a view from the entire NHL, that Ovechkin is a MUCH dirtier play than is Sid. Yes I did that Alex is a better offensive player than is Sid. I mean I was saying that on a basis, on who are you more worried about when taking a shot, Ovechkin or Sid? I think once again it can be said from an NHL perspective that it is Ovechkin. Personally I think he has a better shot than does Sid. His percentage would not agree. Sid has a lifetime shot percentage of.140, and Ovechkin .123. Yes this can be debated, on who shoots better, but if both players have the puck, who are you more worried about scoring with the puck? Don't tell me in the playoffs that every time Ovechkin had the puck, you weren't nervous like I was that he was going to shoot the puck everytime he had it, and every shot that he took wasn't going to go in? I mean that's why I think he's a better offensive player. I think he has a better shot than Sid, but if once again if your looking just at shot percentage, the percentages say Sid is a better shooter than is Ovechkin. Trust me I can't stand Ovechkin, but I'm arguing from the point of view of the league. I'm trying to make people see from both sides, then conclude everything that Sid is a better team player, while Ovechkin is a better individual player, even though I and the majority of the league I believe would take Sid if you're trying to start a franchise in the league and had the choose between the two as your first pick. Also another thing wrong with youyr argument, or your critiquing my post is some of your numbers are off. I question where exactly you got your numbers. I will say I got mine off of Yahoo. Yes you got the number of games right, in that Ovechkin has played 33 more games than Sid, but re-check your number queer and learn how to subtract. Unless the numbers of Yahoo are lying, and that's what I'm going by Ovechkin has 1852 career shots, to Sid's 971. I assume you went to some internet site just like I did, and got the numbers. I think I can make the argument that you have not sat there, watched every game of Sid's and Ovechkin's carrer and tallied their stats as the years have gone on. If you have, you need to get a life. Get your fat butt up off the couch and go get some excerise. I know you may be a Penguin fan, as am I, but really does anyone sit there, watch every Pens game their is, and tally stats. I would just call you crazy if you did that. I mean kudos to you if you do that, but in my oppinion you need to get a life, because tallying stats is going to get you nowhere in life, and once again learn how to add and subtract. The least you can do get a life, get up from in front of the TV and get yourself a life. Tracking players stats are going to get you nowhere in life, and that is just some helpful advice to you.
Your right and I was suprised by this, Ovechkin has only lead the league in scoing twice. He won it last year and the year before. So you were right in that case, and so I commend you on doing your homework, and pointing that out to me. Yes if you wanna judge offensive players from a stat standpoint I guess your argument can stand, I was just saying Ovechkin in my oppinion is more dazling with the plays and the shots he takes. Crosby is a more smooth player, may not make you wow with what he does, while sometimes he may, but gets the job done, and that can be backed up be his stats. Going head to head doesn't mean anything when comparing the players. The Pens have had a better team than the Caps the past few years, so obviously their going to have a betetr record then them. If your going to argue strictly from a record standpoint then its a no brainer Sid is the better player. I think Sid overall is a better play. I just think some aspects of Ovechkin's game are better than Sid, but like I said before, if I'm taking one player to start a team, I'm taking Number 87.
So conlcusion to all of this. Some of your points are valid, and I am glad you brought them up, but if your going to attack my post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your homework and get the stats right. It just makes you look pathetic that you can't click through some computer screens and add and subtract the stats of both of the players. That was awful on your part. And in the end of your post, you act like I think Ovechkin is a better player. Hello idiot, I clearly said it in my first post, and now I'm saying it in my response to your retarded post, because clearly you cannot read what I wrote, in that I said if I'm taking a player to start a team I'm taking Sid Crosby. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. THIS MEANS I THINK SID IS A BETTER PLAYER AND I WANT HIM ON MY TEAM. So you act in your last pargraph that I think Ovechkin is better. Clearly that is not that case. Read my post again. Yes I agree Sid saved the NHL. I also believe if we had not gotten him, the Pens would've moved out of Pittsburgh. That point can be debated, but that's what I think. Yes if you do recall the draft of 2005, was called the Sid Crosby sweepstakes, and the Pens somehow got the rights to the first pick, where it was a no brainer that you take The Kid.
So all in all you have some good points, but others in your post SUCK. You attcked my post with incorrect numbers, which is just pathetic on your part, and you clearly did not read my post, and did not get the sense that I think Sid is a better player than is Alex. I think I made it pretty clear. I have no idea what you were reading, but its pretty clear that you didn't think I made my point in saying if I'm starting a team, I'm taking Crosby over Ovechkin to start a team. Advice- Do your homework if your going to attack someone else's post. Be a man and stick your actual name as your nametag, so when you post stuff its not some pens garbage tag, its your actual name, like your first name. Don't go off into random points that I didn't even talk about and aren't valid to defend or attack my post. You just went off into a random tangent about the head to head records and stuff. But yeah you may be a Crosby fan, as am I, but can't we give Ovechkin some credit at all? He's a world class player, and does some things better than Sid, but overall Sid is a better player. Please is your ever going to write on my site again, please put an educated post up, and do your homework. LEARN HOW TO ADD AND SUBRACT MORON!

Mark's NFL week 7 picks

Vikings at Steelers
Gotta go with the hometown team and the Steelers

Pats vs Buccaners
Gotta go with the Pats playing in London.

Chargers at Chiefs
In an upset here, I'm goin with the Chiefs. San Diego I don't think is very good, and Arrowhead stadium has always been a tough place to play. Chiefs win in a close one

49ers vs Texans
Gotta go with Matt Schaub and Andre Johnson here. We'll see how Crabtree adjusts to the NFL, and if he was worth all the wait, but Texans will win

Packers at Browns
Gotta go with the Cheeseheads. The Browns are one of the two worst football teams in the league. It can be debated who's worst. The Browns don't have a legit number 1 QB. and they traded away their best offensive weapon in Braylon Edwards

Colts at Rams
Rams are winless and due for a win, however it won't come this week. Peyton has been playing awesome this year. Colts coming off a bye week, going to roll over the Rams. Sorry St. Louis, gonna have to wait another week for a win

Jets at Raiders
Raiders coming off a big win, going to choose them again. They have a good defense, if only Russel could complete a freaking pass. Has thw worst completition percentage in the league. Raiders in a close game.

Bills at Panthers
Panthers run game runs all over Buffalo. TO is having a horrid year, because he should've known Buffalo doesn't have a QB that can get him the ball. Lynch sucks as well. Dissapointing for fantasy owners all around like me

Falcons at Cowboys
Great game. Probably 2nd best game on tap for the week behind the Stillers and Vikings. Dallas is going to get their act together in front of the over 100,000 fans that will be watching the game in that Palace they have to Jerry Jones

Bears at Bengals
Bears are a terrible team in my oppinion. Bengals have a great offense, Bengals take the game

Saints at Dolphins
Saints have been on a roll, but with that wildcat offense of theirs Dolphins win at home. Saints finally lose a game

Cardinals at Giants
Another great game, but Giants win this one. Cardinals have that great offense, but just don't see them coming into the Meadowlands and winning. Giants win

Eagles at Redskins
Eagles coming off a brutal loss to the Raiders, but Redskins are going to get their act together, and win one for Jim Zorn. Redskins in a close game

Thursday, October 22, 2009

NFL Week 7 Picks

Here are my predictions for Week 7, the team with the line next to them, is who I think will win.

Vikings at Steelers (-4)
The Steelers defense will stop AP and Favre. I don't believe the Vikings receivers can beat our secondary, and Troy will be giving Brett nightmares all game long. The key matchup to watch will be the Vikings defensive line versus the Steelers offensive line. Steelers win by a touchdown.
Patriots (-14) at Buccannears
I can name a few players on the Titans defense and they lost by 59. I can't think of many players on the Bucs D, this game is a blowout. I apologize to the fans in London attending this game. In their futbol, this matchup would be like Machester vs LA Galaxy.

Chargers (- 4 1/2) at Chiefs
This is the week that the Chargers bust out of their season funk. Shawn Meriman will finally get a sack, and a running back for the Chargers will finally rush for over 70 yards.

49ers at Texans (-3 1/2)
Welcome to the NFL Michael Crabtree, 7 weeks too late. However, Matt Schaubb and AJ will destroy the weak secondary of the 49ers.

Packers (-6 1/2) at Browns
How is the line only 6 1/2 points? The Browns are awful. No more comments are necessary.

Colts (-13) at Rams
See above.

Jets at Raiders (+7) Upset Special Pick
Alright so if McNabb sucked against the Raiders, how could Mark Sanchez do any better? He has been awful the past three weeks and I see another poor outing this week. Plus, Richard Seymour said the Raiders are going to make the playoffs, Go Raiders.

Bills at Panthers (-7)
Is this the week TO flips out on the sidelines? Even as awful as the Panthers have been this season, the Bills are 10 times worse. They not only lost to the Browns this season, they only scored 3 points against them!!!! Look for Julius Peppers to have a big game.

Falcons (+3) at Cowboys
What is going on in Dallas? It has gotten to the point where freaking PATRICK CRAYTON is calling out the offensive coordinator for poor play calling. Mr. Crayton, what have you ever done? You had a big first week and since then you have done nothing. Once you do something productive in your career, then maybe you can say something, until then shut up. I love offensive weapons that Dallas has, but the pieces of the puzzle aren't fitting. Until they do, I just don't see them winning. Matt Ryan takes his team in and wins by a touchdown.

Bears (+2) at Bengals
The only chance the Bungals have of beating the Bears is if Carson Palmer has a huge game. Ocho Cinco has been trashing talking Jay Cutler on Twitter all week, he might have a big game, but not big enough to beat the Bears. Ced Benson also gave the Bears bullentin board material this week, which will pump up that defense. I also see Jay Cutler exploiting the soft defense there in Cincy and as a result, I see the Bears pulling out a victory in Cincy. This would give the Steelers the lead in the AFC East.

Saints (-7) at Dolphins
Unless Drew Brees gets hurt, I don't see in any scenario where the Dolphins have a chance in this game. The Saints offense is so potent and there is that feeling that they will put up 35 points a game.

Cardinals at Giants (-7)
After a poor defensive performance in New Orleans, the Giants D will bounce back against Larry Fitzgerald and the Arizona Cardinals. IF Anquan Boldin is out for Sunday's game, the Giants D will be able to double Larry Fitz without fear of being burned by another receiver. Giants bounce back and win big.

Eagles (-6 1/2) at Redskins
This will be the most boring Monday Night Football game of the season. Last week the Eagles lost to the Raiders, yes the Raiders. This week they will seek revenge against the hated rival Redskins. This won't be much of a game, Eagles win BIG.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big Ben is an elite QB

Ben Roethlisberger is an elite quarterback in the NFL. I've hard plenty of people say, he's just not that great of a QB, he just manages the game, and let's his run game and his defense win the games for him. This is all non-sense. Ben has established himself as an elite QB in the league in his short career so far, and can only go up from here. This is his sixth year in the league, and has already had the most wins of ANY QB in the league in his first five years in the league, and has won 2 Super Bowls. He was the youngest QB to EVER win a Lombardi Trophy. Granted he didn't win MVP in the two games he played, but the fact is he was the winning Quarterback in both games.

His first year in the league, he lead the Steelers to 14 straight victories, home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and to an AFC Championship appearance. Yes thinking back to his rookie season he barely snuck by the Jets. It was two missed field goals later that the Steelers advanced to the AFC Championship to play the Pats. Ben played horrid that game, but who can blame him, he was only a rookie. AFC Championship came, and he played horrible in the game. I remember the game being REALLY cold. The play that sticks out most in my mind is when Ben threw an INT when they were inside the 5 yard line right to Rodney Harrison, who ran the ball back like 100 yards for a touchdown. It was then revealed later that the Patriots were involved in "Spygate", which they were accused of taping practices and figuring out play calling schemes of other teams. The Steelers were included in those games. I'm convinced, had the Pats not cheated the Steelers would've won the Super Bowl

Ok enough of the scandal part, let's get back to why I think Ben is an elite QB. I mean the most wins in his first 5 years in the league. That's beating the likes of Marino, Elway, Farve, Brady, and Steve Young. That's a heck of an accomplishment. To be the youngest person ever to win a Super Bowl, that's another remarkable accomplishment as well.

Since coming into the league, Ben has been the most sacked quarterback in the league. He gets hounded every game, takes shots left and right from defensive players, but yet gets right back up and plays the game. Ben has missed some games due to injury, which makes his most wins accomplishment all the more impressive. The Steelers offensive line has been notoriously bad, and therefore Ben takes the effect of that. Ben is a big guy and take a hit no doubt, but if you take any other quarterback in the league, they are not going to survive. Our offensive line is too bad, and quarterbacks these days do not fight against injury. Any little thing that is wrong with them, they don"t play in the games. The only other quarterbacks that defeat what I'm saying are the Ironman Brett Favre, and Mcnabb. Those are two tough dude. But stick Brady or Manning back behind our offensive line, they'll be like sitting ducks and just get hammered. They will not be able to survive the whole season.

Also what makes Ben great, is it is so hard to sack the man. I mean yes he has been sacked a bunch, but man can he escape the pocket. If you watch any of the games, you will hear the commentators mention how well Ben can escape the pocket. This makes Ben so great. If you think you have Ben one second, the other second he'll be gone out of the pocket. Ever since he's come into the league, Ben has had a knack for being able to throw the ball accurately on the run. Ben has always been at or near the top of the league when it comes to passer rating on the move out of the pocket. This makes Ben a great QB, because not only can he throw the ball while he's in the pocket, but can throw it on the move.

The sign of a great QB is maturity as well. The first time Ben was in the playoffs was in 2004, and he sucked the entire way through. He was lucky to advance past the divisional round game against the Jets. It was two missed field goals, that got them through to the Pats. He sucked in that game as well. 2005 comes, and midway through the season, basically their was no hope of making the playoffs. The team got themselves together, and had the hope of getting Jerome home, and playing in his hometown of Detroit for the Super Bowl. They had to win 3 games on the road to get to Detroit. They destroyed Cincinnati, baffled the Colts, and rolled over the Broncos, and got Jerome home to Detroit. The Super bowl game against the Seahawks, was one of the worst Super Bowls, I've ever seen. Ben played awful and was bailed out by a 75 yard run by Willie Parker, which is the longest run in Super Bowl history. Also on what they referred to as a gadget play, Randle El threw a pass to Hines Ward. Ben had the lowest QB rating ever to win the Super Bowl, but the fact is that he won.

Last year comes around. The Steelers had probably the greatest defense ever assembled. We had the hardest schedule ever produced. On it were 6 of the 8 division winners from the previous year. Man what a schedule. The Steelers fought and crawled through the games, won the division and made it to the playoffs. We manhandled the Chargers, and won a war of a game against the Ravens. Now comes Ben's 2nd time in the playoffs. The second time around Ben always does things better. Ben's 2nd time in the playoffs, he learned his mistakes and played amazing, leading his team to the Super Bowl. Well its Ben's 2nd time in the Super Bowl. The Steelers and their amazing defense were HEAVY favorites against the Cardinals. The game was great. Steelers lead for most of the game, but the Cardinals hung in the game, and took the lead with 2:20 to go. Man what shock this way, the Steelers may lose the Super Bowl. I remember saying to myself, their's a reason the Rooney's dished out 100 million dollars on this QB. He's gonna lead the drive of a lifetime. He lead the team down the field, with a number of passes to Holmes. The throw and catch that some consider the best sports moment in Pittsburgh history, happened when Ben from the 20 yard line, went through about 3 of his reads, saw Holmes in the back of the end zone, and fired the ball. After the game, Ben said he thought the ball was going to be intercepted. Holmes somehow pulled it out of the air, tip toed the sideline, and caught the game winning TD.

Ben learned his 2nd time around in the Super Bowl how to play. The maturation and growth of Ben makes him an elite QB. All his stats and achievements make him an elite QB as well. The thing that makes him one of the top 3 QB's in the league is he's a winner. I don't care what people say about our defense and about the team around him, he'e the QB, and the play caller of the team. Its him who makes the team go. So with Ben's ability to escape, his winning mantra, his savvy feel for the game, its all these intangibles, which make me say I would not want any other QB on my team then Big Ben

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The age old question

The age old question today in hockey is who is better Alex Ovechkin or the "the kid" Sid Crosby. They are both extremely talented for anyone that enjoys watching hockey like I do. I get to watch Sid on a daily basis living in Pittsburgh, so I've seen him improve over the course of his short career so far. I've seen him in his ups and downs. Alex on the other hand I've seen play in games against the Pens, but that's about all to the extent I have watched Ovechkin. I watched him play in some playoff games, but really did not get to watch him all that much until last year when the dream playoff match up came when it was Sid vs Alex. It wasn't until then I really get a new appreciation for how skilled of a player he really is.

This was the dream series every hockey fan wanted to see. The two marquee guys in the league facing off against each other in the route to the ultimate prize in all of sports, Lord's Stanley's cup. This I personally think was the best series in hockey history, because you really haven't had two marquee names as big as Sid and Alex, since Mario and Gretzky, and they never faced each other in the playoffs.

From a skill view of who's better I think its pretty obvious that its Ovechkin. I really didn't get an appreciation for how skilled the man is, until having watched him in the grueling 7 game series they played against the Pens. The kid can dangle the puck around players, skate through people, dance with the puck, and his best weapon is he can shoot from anywhere. I remember thinking that every time he had the puck I was nervous because I didn't know whether he was going to shoot or not. He has one of the hardest shots in the league, and is very accurate. Ever since he has come into the league, Alex has lead the NHL in shots year after year. Really that's all the kid does. He shoots the puck. He basically leads the league in goals every year because he shoots the puck so darn much. I mean if any player shot as much as him, sure they'd have a ton of goals, but does that make them the best player in the league?

Yo buddy if you didn't notice theirs more then one person on the ice. Their's 4 other players and a goalie. Their whole team is setup around one man. The Power play and everything. The guy is talented don't get me wrong, and probably has more skill then anyone in the league right now, and anyone that has been in the league maybe since Mario and Wayne Gretzky? But from the argument sake of who's a better team player, I think the point is quite obvious that its the kid Sid Crosby.

Sid makes everyone around him better. Its proven because his goal to assist ratio is about even, or he will even have more assists then goals. I know the object in hockey is to score, so if you looking at that aspect of the game of who's the better player I think the answer is quite obvious in that it is Ovechkin. But the argument I'm trying to make is Sid is a better team player as well as overall a better play than Ovechkin.

Yes you can make the argument that Sid has Malkin on his team. Another world class player. Yes that definitely helps, but Alex had Mike Green, Backstrom, Semin, and Federov. Those are all world class players as well. So that point is moot I think. Theirs no grounds for argument sake there. Yes both teams were talented. Both teams have world class players on them, but the reason the Pens have made the Stanley Cup finals the last two years is because Sid makes his teammates around him better. Hockey is a team game, not an individual sport. Yes it helps when you have great individuals around you, but ultimately if you have a player that makes his teammates better, that team is going to succeed more. In the Washington series, Malkin didn't even show up. Sid really had to step it up and carry the team. He did, and ultimately the Pens advanced past the Caps, and to the ultimate goal of winning the Stanley Cup.

Both Crosby and Ovechkin were first picks in their respective drafts. Ovechkin has won the goal scoring titles a number of times, as well as had the most shots, the most goals, and the most points. Yes Alex puts up numbers, but is success measured by numbers, or is it by your performance in the playoffs, and ultimately in Stanley Cups? Yes again their are exceptions to measuring your performance in championships. You can argue Dan Marino was one of the best QB's to ever play the game, but he never won a Super Bowl? Karl Malone in widely considered one of the best Power forwards in NBA history, but never won a championship.

I would ultimately measure one's performance in how they did in the playoffs and what their stats are when it came down to crunch time. Ovechkin can have all the stats he wants in the regular season, but has only made the playoffs twice. Sid has made it three times. He was named youngest captain ever in the league, as well as the youngest captain ever to win a Stanley Cup.

We are lucky today to have both players in the league. They really have revitalized hockey, and brought the casual fan into the game. But for argument's sake Crosby is a better overall player. He makes his teammates around him better, he has more assists then goals, and is just a better leader then Alex. Alex sure is a darn talented player, and is a great individual player, but if your going to build a team around one player, you gotta go with Sid. If you want to score goals, and get shots on net, yeah go with Ovechkin, but if you want a pure leader who does the dirty work, makes regular guys look like Superstars, draws penalties, and much more, I think the choice is quite obvious in that you choose Sid the Kid.

Jeff Reed needs let go

In case any of you haven't heard, after the Steelers victory over the Browns on Sunday, Jeff Reed took it upon himself to have some excessive celebrating. He was charged with simple assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. He was at a bar around the stdium called McFadden's where he was getting his drink on. Apparently Reed had a little too many drinks, and was drunk. He was outside of the bar with his buddy Mat Spaeth (Tight end for the Steelers), Reed's parents I assume were in for the game to watch their son, and wanted to go celebrate the win. They took their son and his friend out to McFadden's where they had some drinks. They all left the bar, and were all in the car, I assume to take their son him. Matt thought it was okay to take a leak outside the bar in public. Cops apparently saw this, and wanted to speak to Matt. Jeff thought it was his duty to defend his friend, so he jumped out of the car, all the while Jeff's parents are sitting in the car watching this happen. It has been said that Jeff got in a defensive stance and tried to fight the police. This has been Jeff's second incident this year with disordly conduct. In Arizona, he punched a paper towel dispenser in a local convience store. What an idiot.

The Rooney's have never been one to stand for this kind of action. I'm not going to tell Jeff to watch his drinking or anything like that, but dude, your a professional athlete, go party at your house. Its okay to go drink at bars and stuff and interact with people, but PLEASE MAN CONTROL YOURSELF. Its not okay to try to fight some cop. You just look like a complete idiot. Alochol does some weird things to you, and people do some really retarded things when they are intoxicated. So with the Rooney's repuation, and this being the last year of his contract, Reed needs let go. We don't need anymore negative press about this team. Big Ben was accused of sexually assulting a women in Las Vegas, but the charges were dropped. I'm convinced that all she wanted was money, so she claimed she was raped. I won't go into details on the lawsuit, because that can be for another post

Jeff Reed needs to let go. He's a partier, and doesn't fit the brand of players the Steelers have produced. You hardly hear any negative press about any of the Steelers. Yes occasionally you do hear some negative things about the players. I mean their human for goodness sake, but the majority of the time all you hear is good things about the ownership, the players, and the Steelers organization as a whole. So if one player who is in the last year of his contract, is acting up, giving the Steelers all kinds of bad press, then he needs let go. Yes he may be a great kicker, but Jeff you got some problems. So buddy, you messed up once we forgave you, you mess up twice, your gonna get the boot out of here. It doesn't matter how good. We can forgive and forget, but if you do it another time, sorry bud you gotta go, no matter how good of a kicker you may be. We'll find someone else better who represents our organization better then you, and someone we won't have to worry about screwing up, and giving the Steelers bad press. All in all, Jeff Reed needs let go at the of this year.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Genius behind the Patiots

First off I will say I HATE the Patriots. They are a classless cheating organziation. They cheated to win their 3 Super Bowls, and cheated to beat my Steelers in the 2004 AFC Championship. Belichick and Brady hardly ever shake hands with the opposing teams, and just walk off the field. Their classless, and I can't stand them.

Besides that fact, they have one heck of a coach in Belichick. It is starting to show that he is the real genius behind Tom Brady, and it is him who makes the whole organization run. He has been the reason the team has been so successful. As much as I hate to admit it, its true. I mean look at Romeo Crennel, he failed in his tenure at Cleveland. The Browns didn't want any big games, and failed to make the playoffs during his coaching tenure in Cleveland. His success came when he was the Defensive cordinator at the Patriots. When he went off on his own he failed.

Next case is Eric Mangini. Mangini was the former coach of the NY Jets, and now is currently the coach of the pathetic Browns. Mangini took the Jets to the playoffs, where they lost to the Pats in the wild card playoff game. That was his only success while he was there. He went 4-12 in 2007, and had one of the worst records in the league. He had Chad Pennington in 2006, and coached him to be the comeback player of the year. Yes that is nice, but the Jets are expecting a lot high from the team, espcially from a coach that had so much success in New England. Last year the Brett Favre saga continued, and the season started off well, leading the team to an 8-3 record, but then everything collapsed and they missed the playoffs. Then he was fired. He is coach of the Browns, and I don't see the Brown improving anytime soon (Refer back to my earlier post about Brady Quinn). Mangini overall has failed, and this proves my point that the only reason he succeeded was because of the genius of Bill Belichick.

Next case, and probably the worst case of them all is Charlie Weis. Weiss was formely the offensive cordinator at New England. He is entering his fifth year as the head coach of Notre Dame. He has failed miserably there, thus failing under all the expecations fans had when he was gired. He has not won any big games, and has underachieved his whole entire time as the head coach. Thus once again proving the point that he succeeded because as much as I hate to say it Belichick is a genius.

Belichick also coached Josh McDaniels. This year marks his first year as head coach of the Bronco's. The Bronco's are off to a 5-0 start, but really are they that good? We don't know how good they really are. They play in a crap division, and so we will see. If he fails it will once again prove that Blichick is the mastermind of the Patriots 3 Super Bowls in 5 years.

Nick Saban as a coach in the NFL coached the Miami Dolphis. He failed horrible there missing the playoffs in his two years as coach of the Dolphins. Before that he was the head coach of LSU where he had great success, and now currently has brought Alabama back to its glory days.

Jim Schwartz was an assistant under Belichick and now is the coach of the Detroit Lions. The Lions won their first game in over a year and a half. They lost 17 in a row, before beating the Washington Redskins this year. The Lions continue to be one of the worst teams in football, and I don't see them turning it around anytime soon. So ultimately, he's going to fail as well

If you look at all the coaches under Belichick that have gone on and coached in the pro's and college, all of them have failed except Saban. If we are just talking about the coaches he has coached while he's been at New England that have gone on and coached their own teams, everyone has failed and underachieved extremely. This just goes to show as much as you may hate the man and the Pats organization, they run a pretty darn good program up there, and he is the mastermind they has won them numerous Super Bowls, and produced one of the greastest QB's of all time in Tom Brady.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I can't stand Joe Flacco

I know this is gonna have some arguments agaisnt it, and people are going to bash what I have to say, but I don't care, I'm going to say it anyway, I CAN'T STAND JOE FLACCO. Yes its a feel good story, he saw that he wasn't going to play at Pitt, so he transfered to Delaware, where he had a great career. Yes its a nice story, getting drafted by the Ravens, having played quarterback at such a small school.

Last year the first time the Steelers played the Ravens on Monday night, the announcers were just enamored with Flacco and were worshipping him, like he was the best thing since sliced bread. One of them, I believe it was Tony Kornheiser had the audacity to say that he may be the best rookie EVER. Whenever I heared that, I couldn't believe what I just heard and therefore my dislike for him started to flourish. He lead the Ravens to a 10-6 record and a 6th seed in the AFC playoffs. Yes its grea that he was the first rookie QB to win his first two playoff games as a QB, and did so on the road. Yes that's impressive, but in my mind doesn't even compare to what Ben Roethlisberger did his rookie season.

In Ben's rookie season, he won 14 straight games before losing to the Patriots. He lead the Steelers to the number one seed in the playoffs, and home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I personally think Ben's 14 wins in a row, is MUCH more impressive then Flacco's 1-6 record, and winning his first two playoff games. Ben lead his team to the number 1 seed, and he lost to the Pats, which in turn cheated to win the game. I have no problem in saying that if the Pats wouldn't have cheated for their Super Bowls, Ben and the Steelers would have at least 1 or 2 more Super Bowls. What did Flacco do agaisnt the Steelers and do in big games in his rookie season he CHOKED! Just look at the playoff game agaisnt the Steelers, he had to lead his team back, and what does he do, he throws an INT. Case closed I say. Theirs no argument. Ben will always be a better quarterback, and despite it being a feel good story, I cannot stand Joe Flacco one bit, and HATE how everyone say how he's soo good.

Let's see what he does in his first five years. Will he have two Super Bowls? Will he lead a Super Bowl winning drive? Will he have the most wins in his first five years in the league? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Their is no comparison. Ben has always been the better QB, and will continue to be. No one better give me the crap argument, O Ben has always had the steady defense behind him. Flacco has a great D behind him, and the toughest linebacker in the league in Ray Lewis. They essentially have the same teams, but what makes or breaks a good team is a good QB. Steelers have a GREAT QB, and the Ravens have a HORRID QB in Flacco. Case closed. Their is no comparison. Thus is why I cannot stand Joe Flacco and will cheer ever time he makes a mistake, and further continues to support my argument. Today when it came down to the clutch, Flacco lead his team on a late 4th quarter drive, lead them to field goal range, but the kicker missed the field goal. O well? Should've gotten the TD. FLACCO SUCKS!