
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jeff Reed needs let go

In case any of you haven't heard, after the Steelers victory over the Browns on Sunday, Jeff Reed took it upon himself to have some excessive celebrating. He was charged with simple assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. He was at a bar around the stdium called McFadden's where he was getting his drink on. Apparently Reed had a little too many drinks, and was drunk. He was outside of the bar with his buddy Mat Spaeth (Tight end for the Steelers), Reed's parents I assume were in for the game to watch their son, and wanted to go celebrate the win. They took their son and his friend out to McFadden's where they had some drinks. They all left the bar, and were all in the car, I assume to take their son him. Matt thought it was okay to take a leak outside the bar in public. Cops apparently saw this, and wanted to speak to Matt. Jeff thought it was his duty to defend his friend, so he jumped out of the car, all the while Jeff's parents are sitting in the car watching this happen. It has been said that Jeff got in a defensive stance and tried to fight the police. This has been Jeff's second incident this year with disordly conduct. In Arizona, he punched a paper towel dispenser in a local convience store. What an idiot.

The Rooney's have never been one to stand for this kind of action. I'm not going to tell Jeff to watch his drinking or anything like that, but dude, your a professional athlete, go party at your house. Its okay to go drink at bars and stuff and interact with people, but PLEASE MAN CONTROL YOURSELF. Its not okay to try to fight some cop. You just look like a complete idiot. Alochol does some weird things to you, and people do some really retarded things when they are intoxicated. So with the Rooney's repuation, and this being the last year of his contract, Reed needs let go. We don't need anymore negative press about this team. Big Ben was accused of sexually assulting a women in Las Vegas, but the charges were dropped. I'm convinced that all she wanted was money, so she claimed she was raped. I won't go into details on the lawsuit, because that can be for another post

Jeff Reed needs to let go. He's a partier, and doesn't fit the brand of players the Steelers have produced. You hardly hear any negative press about any of the Steelers. Yes occasionally you do hear some negative things about the players. I mean their human for goodness sake, but the majority of the time all you hear is good things about the ownership, the players, and the Steelers organization as a whole. So if one player who is in the last year of his contract, is acting up, giving the Steelers all kinds of bad press, then he needs let go. Yes he may be a great kicker, but Jeff you got some problems. So buddy, you messed up once we forgave you, you mess up twice, your gonna get the boot out of here. It doesn't matter how good. We can forgive and forget, but if you do it another time, sorry bud you gotta go, no matter how good of a kicker you may be. We'll find someone else better who represents our organization better then you, and someone we won't have to worry about screwing up, and giving the Steelers bad press. All in all, Jeff Reed needs let go at the of this year.

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