
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Everyone that just watched the Yankees game were privalged to see one of the best games you will ever see! The Yankees are finally back. Yes I know a lot of people hate the Yankees because "supposedily" they cheat baseball and spend a ton of money. Yes they spend money, but why not? Their is no salary cap, and you have an owner with a bunch of money, so why not go out and spend money. We all can see that spending money doesn't always bring you championships. Just look at the Rays last year, that was all farm talent, and they made it all the way to the World Series. I believe this stat is right and I heard it somewhere, but since 2001, the Yankees have spent 1.2 billion dollars. WOW. That's ridiculous. I mean you gotta do what you gotta do. I personally was so pumped when the Yankees went out and got CC, Burnett, Teixeria, and Swisher. I personally wasn't that thrilled with CC, because I thought he threw his arm out, after the ridiculous numbers he put up last year. Yes A-Rod may make 30 million a year, and I think that's WAY too much for any player, he's a straight up stud. Finally his post-season jinx is over, and he came to play this year. Finally the burden was taken off his back, and they went out and got another power hitter and pitcher, which eased him up. A-Rod finally didn't have all of New York on his back, and feel like he had to carry his team. He may have taken steriods, but please who hasn't. Yes I don't agree that its right to take steroids, its cheating for sure, but c'mon people, give the man a break. He admitted using steroids, and actually came out and announced he had used steroids. Has Bonds, Sosa, Mcgwire, Palmerio came out and announced they used steroids, I don't think so. Peronally I don't agree with what A-Rod did, but I have forgiven him for what he did, because he apologized and came out and admitted that he did use steroids.

The post season he has had so far has been nothing but stellar. Watch out everyone, because with that powerful Yankee lineup, the bullpen, and the amazing starters they have, this is the year for number 27. I mean they didn't give Joe Girardi number 27 for no reason, they knew eventually they were going to win one, and Girardi was going to be the man that did that. People may hate the Yankees, and A-Rod, but their's no denying he's one of the best players EVER to play the game, and the guy is just clutch. For all of you who care, I personally called A-Rod was gonna hit a home run! With A-Rod bombing balls out of the park, the pitchers just dominating, a shutdown bullpen, and the best closer ever, this is the year the Yankees finally get number 27!

Charlie Weiss and Jimmy Clausen need to go

Notre Dame is overrated! They just played a heck of a game against USC, but came up 4 yards short of pushing the game into OT. Clausen had two awful passes in the last 4 seconds of the game. He threw a horrid pass to Golden Tate with 4 seconds left. Luckily their was one second left for Clausen and the Irish to force OT, after being down 14 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Clausen passed the ball and completely miss the receiver. The ball was WAY behind his receiver, and the game ended 34-27.

Analysts all across the country said Weiss had to have this game to save his career as the Irish head coach. Once again he fell short. He has not had a signature win, and really I think he is still there because he was the offensive coordinator for the Patriots during their amazing (and cheated) run of 3 Super bowls in 5 years. He has not win a big game yet at Notre Dame in his five years as the head coach of the Irish. Today proved that he is not a good college coach, and therefore needs to be dismissed as the coach, and needs to go find another job. Hopefully Notre Dame will realize they need to move on from the Weiss era, and needs to find another coach. If they let Weiss coach again next season, they are really stupid, and are ruining the long legacy they have. In order to regain their championship form, Weiss needs to go.

Its not like the Irish have that bad of a team. Clausen is a decent QB. He was very highly touted coming out of high school, but has yet really to win a big game. He has had enough time at Notre Dame to mature as a QB, but just has not gotten the job done. Thus Notre Dame is overrated, and they need to move on from the Weiss era, and they need to find another Quarterback.

If any of you watched the game today, Golden Tate is one of the best WR's in the country. The kid has amazing hands, and doesn't drop anything. He can take a hit, and still hang onto the ball. All you really need to do is throw the ball up to the kid, and he'll catch it. Clearly ND has some decent players, but when you have an overrated QB, and an Overrated and underachieving coach, your results are going to suffer! Weiss and Clausen need to go!

Thoughts or opinions anyone?

Friday, October 16, 2009

To Play or not to play?

The big thing that has been on my mind for this week's upcoming Steelers game is whether or not the all pro, all everything safety Troy Polamalu should play or not? In case you didn't know, the Steelers are playing the pathetic Browns. The Browns are one of the worst teams in football. They have one of the most overrated QB's in the league in Brady Quinn (which you can see why I think this in my last post). They just traded their best offensive player in Braylon Edwards, and they have an aging run game. Put these all together and you have a pathetic team. To make matters even worse, Derek Anderson had the worst game I have ever seen for a QB last week against the Buffalo Bills going 2-17 for 23 yards and an INT. This is just pathetic for a QB, and yet to show how pathetic the game was, Buffalo won 6-3 in OT. Both teams are awful, and it just to show, that you may have some good players on your team, but if you don't have a solid QB, your team sucks.

Well up next is the undefeated Minnesota Vikings. They have one of the best QB's of all time in the iron man Brett Favre, and the all everything RB Adrian Petersen. This is definitely a championship caliber team, and with them lurking in the distance, I say the Steelers sit Polamalu for yet another week, let him rest and play him next week in this meaningful game. (FF to the 2:05 mark of the video)
In the first game of the season, Troy's leg got fallen on by Alge Crumpler and his sprained his MCL. I know personally how damaging any knee injury may be. In high school, I tore my PCL, MCL, and some cartilage. It took me about 3 months to fully recover, and was a hard road back. So with the whole season ahead, and the very important game next week, I saw you sit Polamalu for another week, and play him against the Vikings

Why Brady Quinn is overrated!

Quinn played QB at Notre Dame, and people were raving about him coming out of college. Girls were in love with him, becuase they said he was extremely attractive. Also what made scouts enamored with him, is that he was from Notre Dame. Anyone that follows College Football or knows anything about the sport, knows Notre Dame football. They have a storied history, and have fallen upon hard times recently. If any of you watch ESPN, or ESPN College Gameday, you know that Lou Holtz used to be a coach there, and is in love with the school. He hypes the school more than necessary. I can't tell you the last time Notre Dame won a National Championship. I personally forget the year this was, but the last time I remember them being good, was when they played in the Fiesta Bowl agaisnt one of my personal favorite teams THE Ohio State University. I don't know why I have always liked Ohio State, but the fact is I have. During the game they kept showing Quinn's sister who at the time was dating my favorite player EVER to come out of Ohio State AJ Hawk. I have always been a fan of linebackers, and AJ Hawk was one of the best linebackers I have ever seen come out of college. This may be a stretch in saying, but he was just that good.

So a good looking kid, playing QB at Notre Dame, the media hyped him up to be amazing. Draft day comes and the Browns select a tackle from Wisconsin. The media kept going nuts because Brady was sliding down the board. Finally the Browns re-enter the draft and trade a bunch of picks, and draft Quinn. The crowd went nuts. Thus continued the Browns terrible drafting woes. That can be said in another post. The start of the Brady Quinn era, and an era which they are not going to have an established QB, and are stuck with an overrated QB, plus Derek Anderson who was a one year wonder. The Browns are going to suffer mightily until they can find an established QB. Once Quinn was drafted, the Browns fans immeaditely wanted him to start. The coach at that time was Romeo Crennel. He choose to go with the more experienced Anderson, and what a decision that was. Anderson threw for a career high 29 TD's. Quinn watched and learned, while he rode the bench. Browns fans were happy, but were still upset that Quinn was not starting. Last year the Browns struggled, fans were unhappy, and finally Brady got his chance to shine. He started his first NFL game. He started a few games during the season and completed 45-89 passes, for a grand total of 518yards, and 2 TD's Wow, and people say he's supposed to be good. So for a highly totuted QB coming out of college, and a fan favorite when drafted, Brady's grand total of stats are 48-97 passing, for 563 yards and 2 TD's.

Great player in Quinn. NOT HE SUCKS! We're just fortunate in Pittsburgh to have Ben Roethlisberger

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Duquesne Basketball

Hello everyone,

This is the first of what is many posts to come. This is a site where anyone is free to post comments of their thoughts, or just put any other random thoughts down. I ask that you keep it to sports, or sports related, if possible.

So to the post:

When you think of Duquesne Men's basketball, what do you think? Most people put losing and Duquesne in the same sentence. Rightfully so, yes? I would agree with this statement to a point. Ever since Ron Everhart has come to coach Duquesne from Northeastern, the whole program has turned around. What a great find he has been. For the first time in a long time (since I can remember), they had a winning season and even made post-season play. They made the NIT and played one of the best games I have seen on any level. Aaron Jackson had one of the most dominating performances I have ever seen in any sport during the game. His 50 points were not enough to lead the Duke's to victory, but certainly is worth noting for sure. The Duke's ended up losing in 3 OT's, but to even get there was amazing. They were down about 13 points with 2 mins to go, and in my head I'm thinking this game is over with, and the end has come. I couldn't believe what I was watching. Va Tech kept missing free throws, and Duquesne kept coming down the court and scoring. It was an amazing game to watch. One of the best games in recent memory at least for me.

Another highlight of the year was the trip down to Duke to see Duquesne play Duke. I have always been a Duke fan, and whenever it was announced in the Summer that Duquesne was playing Duke, I had to get tickets. This game I couldn't miss. My favorite team is playing my school. Why would a school so good, and with such a history call Duquesne to come down and play a nationally televised game? I still do not know the answer, but anyway the game was going to happen. I remember calling everyone to tell them that Duquesne was playing Duke. I was in utter shock, and still couldn't believe it. It was a really rainy stormy night that night. I was sitting up in my room, just watching the TV in utter amazement that the game was really going to happen. It was pouring outside, and a storm was happening. My phone was about to die, and I had it on the charger, then BAM all the power went off. I continued to talk to my friend on the phone, then my phone died. I literally just sat there for about twenty minutes still amazed the game was happening. Power came back on after about 30 mins. By this time it was around 2:30 a.m.

Fastforward to the actual game........ It was a nationally televised game on ESPN 2. My dad and I went to the game, and we both couldn't believe that we were both standing in front of the mecca of all college basketball, Cameron Indoor Stadium. Seeing the arena and the court on TV a bunch of times is one thing, but in person, their is just something magical in that place. We get to our seats, and see Duquesne warming up. I still couldn't believe that I was sitting in Cameron Indoor watching DUKE, Coach K, and all the Cameron Crazies. It was a feeling I don't think I will ever have again.

Warmups pass and time for the game... Duquesne kept it close till about the 13 minute mark, then Duke just went on a tear shooting the ball, and it seemed like they couldn't miss. Jon Scheyer couldn't miss a three pointer, and the Blue Devils were just firing on all cylinders. Duke just put their foot on the gas peddle and ran away with the game. Lance Thomas played a heck of a game as well. Had a double-double I believe. Duquesne ended up losing by 18 I believe. I thought to myself not too bad. Good performance, but it just shows Duquesne has a far way to go to catch Duke, and become a premiere team on the national level.

Duquesne has a very promising year ahead of them. With them advancing all the way to the NIT, and losing in 3 OT's, and losing one starter they have much to look forward too. My personal favorite player is Melquan Bolding. I really truly believe that this kid has potential to make it to the NBA. He defintely has a NBA body. If he continues to work at his game, he's got a really good shot at making it. With all the returning starters back the projected lineup will be Eric Evans at PG, Melquan Bolding at SG, Bill Clark at the G/SF, Damian Sanders at PF, and Morkinayo Williams at C. Williams will be a big help to the roster. Being 7 foot he will be one of the biggest players in the A-10. Originally recruited by Kentucky, Williams transfered after just one year there. We have a lot to look forward to from this kid and this team

I will leave you with one bold statement. THIS IS THE YEAR DUQUESNE DOWNS PITT