
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Friday, October 23, 2009

Post in response to the moron who ripped on my Sid and Ovechkin post

Ok buddy I agree with some of your post, but others of it are complete garbage. You say I need to learn hockey and just stick to the Duquesne Basketball posting. If you want to talk hockey, then why did you not make a site yourself? I mean I appreciate the comment, but if your going to go around saying the article is completely messed up, the build your own site (if you know how to do it that is), and post blogs about hockey, and how great you think Sid Crosby and the Pens are.
One point that you made clear, that I forgot to put, and I thank you for writing was that I failed to mention that Ovechkin is a one dimensional player. I forgot the "dirty" part, where he plays with reckless abandon, hits people, cheats the rules, and takes cheap shots of player. Case example, was in game 4, when Ovechkin stuck out his knee, while Gonchar was coming up the ice, injuring Gonchar, knocking him out for the next two games. Luckily he was able to come back for game 7 of the series, and help propel the Pens to a victory past their hated rival the Caps. Yes in his career Sid has more penalty minutes.81 more PIM just to be exact. Yes Crosby may have more Penalty minutes than Ovechkin, but this can be said from a NHL perspective, that Ovechkin plays the game with more reckless abandon than does Crosby. Ovechkin does care who it is with the puck, he's going to go hit the man. Ovechkin takes cheap shots on people. Yes Crosby does the same, when he gets frustrated he does dumb things and takes dumb penalties. I'll give you that one for sure, but overall I believe I am speaking from a view from the entire NHL, that Ovechkin is a MUCH dirtier play than is Sid. Yes I did that Alex is a better offensive player than is Sid. I mean I was saying that on a basis, on who are you more worried about when taking a shot, Ovechkin or Sid? I think once again it can be said from an NHL perspective that it is Ovechkin. Personally I think he has a better shot than does Sid. His percentage would not agree. Sid has a lifetime shot percentage of.140, and Ovechkin .123. Yes this can be debated, on who shoots better, but if both players have the puck, who are you more worried about scoring with the puck? Don't tell me in the playoffs that every time Ovechkin had the puck, you weren't nervous like I was that he was going to shoot the puck everytime he had it, and every shot that he took wasn't going to go in? I mean that's why I think he's a better offensive player. I think he has a better shot than Sid, but if once again if your looking just at shot percentage, the percentages say Sid is a better shooter than is Ovechkin. Trust me I can't stand Ovechkin, but I'm arguing from the point of view of the league. I'm trying to make people see from both sides, then conclude everything that Sid is a better team player, while Ovechkin is a better individual player, even though I and the majority of the league I believe would take Sid if you're trying to start a franchise in the league and had the choose between the two as your first pick. Also another thing wrong with youyr argument, or your critiquing my post is some of your numbers are off. I question where exactly you got your numbers. I will say I got mine off of Yahoo. Yes you got the number of games right, in that Ovechkin has played 33 more games than Sid, but re-check your number queer and learn how to subtract. Unless the numbers of Yahoo are lying, and that's what I'm going by Ovechkin has 1852 career shots, to Sid's 971. I assume you went to some internet site just like I did, and got the numbers. I think I can make the argument that you have not sat there, watched every game of Sid's and Ovechkin's carrer and tallied their stats as the years have gone on. If you have, you need to get a life. Get your fat butt up off the couch and go get some excerise. I know you may be a Penguin fan, as am I, but really does anyone sit there, watch every Pens game their is, and tally stats. I would just call you crazy if you did that. I mean kudos to you if you do that, but in my oppinion you need to get a life, because tallying stats is going to get you nowhere in life, and once again learn how to add and subtract. The least you can do get a life, get up from in front of the TV and get yourself a life. Tracking players stats are going to get you nowhere in life, and that is just some helpful advice to you.
Your right and I was suprised by this, Ovechkin has only lead the league in scoing twice. He won it last year and the year before. So you were right in that case, and so I commend you on doing your homework, and pointing that out to me. Yes if you wanna judge offensive players from a stat standpoint I guess your argument can stand, I was just saying Ovechkin in my oppinion is more dazling with the plays and the shots he takes. Crosby is a more smooth player, may not make you wow with what he does, while sometimes he may, but gets the job done, and that can be backed up be his stats. Going head to head doesn't mean anything when comparing the players. The Pens have had a better team than the Caps the past few years, so obviously their going to have a betetr record then them. If your going to argue strictly from a record standpoint then its a no brainer Sid is the better player. I think Sid overall is a better play. I just think some aspects of Ovechkin's game are better than Sid, but like I said before, if I'm taking one player to start a team, I'm taking Number 87.
So conlcusion to all of this. Some of your points are valid, and I am glad you brought them up, but if your going to attack my post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your homework and get the stats right. It just makes you look pathetic that you can't click through some computer screens and add and subtract the stats of both of the players. That was awful on your part. And in the end of your post, you act like I think Ovechkin is a better player. Hello idiot, I clearly said it in my first post, and now I'm saying it in my response to your retarded post, because clearly you cannot read what I wrote, in that I said if I'm taking a player to start a team I'm taking Sid Crosby. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. THIS MEANS I THINK SID IS A BETTER PLAYER AND I WANT HIM ON MY TEAM. So you act in your last pargraph that I think Ovechkin is better. Clearly that is not that case. Read my post again. Yes I agree Sid saved the NHL. I also believe if we had not gotten him, the Pens would've moved out of Pittsburgh. That point can be debated, but that's what I think. Yes if you do recall the draft of 2005, was called the Sid Crosby sweepstakes, and the Pens somehow got the rights to the first pick, where it was a no brainer that you take The Kid.
So all in all you have some good points, but others in your post SUCK. You attcked my post with incorrect numbers, which is just pathetic on your part, and you clearly did not read my post, and did not get the sense that I think Sid is a better player than is Alex. I think I made it pretty clear. I have no idea what you were reading, but its pretty clear that you didn't think I made my point in saying if I'm starting a team, I'm taking Crosby over Ovechkin to start a team. Advice- Do your homework if your going to attack someone else's post. Be a man and stick your actual name as your nametag, so when you post stuff its not some pens garbage tag, its your actual name, like your first name. Don't go off into random points that I didn't even talk about and aren't valid to defend or attack my post. You just went off into a random tangent about the head to head records and stuff. But yeah you may be a Crosby fan, as am I, but can't we give Ovechkin some credit at all? He's a world class player, and does some things better than Sid, but overall Sid is a better player. Please is your ever going to write on my site again, please put an educated post up, and do your homework. LEARN HOW TO ADD AND SUBRACT MORON!


  1. You win. My numbers were terrible. Instead of Ovie taking an incorrect 852 more shots than Sid, he has actually taken 881 more shots, yet still only remains 31 points ahead. This actually furthers my point, however. So thanks I guess.

    I do watch every game and I do know most of the stats. That just means I clearly know what I'm talking about.

    Also, thank you for taking the time out to tell me to write an educated post amidst this prize-winning scholarly post. I've certainly learned my lesson. Thanks for choosing Crosby in the least you've got that. No more hockey...please?

    P.S. - Try out that new "Spell and Grammar Check" function they have on some of the newer computers out there. I have a feeling it's gonna be a hit.

  2. P.S.S.- The numbers change every day now so don't try and call me on numbers again. Right now the shot differential is at 878 and the point differential is 29! Even better!
