
Hi the people that write the blogs are Jeff Rupprecht and Mark Taylor. We developed this website (with the help of my friend Jon Scott and Jeff Taylor) because we have always had a passion for sports, so we thought it would be a sweet idea to write them down. We know all of you out there are not going to agree with what we say, so we welcome you to express your opinions(whether they may be positive or negative) freely. Hope you enjoy the site! We are also on Duquesne's radio station every Monday from 12-1. So if you don't like to read our posts, you can listen to use. Just visit

Monday, November 2, 2009

A-Rod deserved the MVP of the divisional series

Sorry guys for the delayed post. Had a conference last week in Cleveland, and didn't really have access to a computer. Yes indeed Cleveland sucks! Their was nothing to do, and besides the Cavs opening up the NBA season on Tuesday, their was hardly anyone out at the restaurants or anything. It was lame, but trip was fun. I try to put a few posts a week on here, but just wasn't able to last week, so I'll comment on A Rod now

So this year one of my two favorite teams is in the playoffs. That is the Yankees, for any of you that were wondering. The Yankees entered the postseason with the best record in baseball with 103 victories ( You can do the math to see how many losses they had). The Yankees also spent 450 million on 3 players in CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett, Mark Teixeria, and Nick Swisher. That's a ton of money, but hey the Yankees finally got two power pitchers, and that's what they had been missing the past number of years. The hitting has been there, the pitching hasn't. I personally thought CC threw his arm out, with how much he was used in Cleveland and mainly Milwaukee last season. Man was I proved wrong, and I am extremely happy about that. 19 wins later, and their in the playoffs. Phil Hugues was turned into a releiver, and what a GREAT move that was. He was the bridge the Yankees were looking for, to replace Joba Chamberlain, who had moved into the rotation. Down the stretch run, they Yankees limited Joba's pitches every start, and if I do believe he did not get past the 5th inning in any of his starts down the stretch. This proved ok, because the Yankees had one of the best bullpens in all of baseball with Damaso Marte, Phil Coke, Phil Hughes, and one of the best closers of all time Mariano Rivera ( The Machine). So if you can get the ball to big Mo, then game over, bank on it

So the Yankees roll into the playoffs with home field throughout. They get starts out of CC Burnett and Petitte. A Rod was unbelieveable with 2 home runs and 5 RBI's, and batted around 500. A-Rod has been under so much scrutinity in the post-season, because he never has really delievered, and is paid so much money. This year he took even more grief from everyone for lying about steroids, then admitting to it. Yes I'm a believer in forgiveness and this could be biased, but I forgave A-Rod, because he publicly apologized for taking them.

So his roll continued on into the series agaisnt the Angels, where he hit 3 home runs and 12 RBI's, and hit an astonishing 400! What a series. Its the best series I have ever seen for a player, and I firmly believe he deserved the MVP. Yes CC pitched very well a 2-0 record with a 1.19 era. That's pretty freaking good, and his 2nd start was on 3 days rest. Yes that's really good, but come on guys. A Rod has never done anything in the post season and he stepped up this year beyond belief. I'll make the analogy to the Super Bowl when the Colts played the Bears. Did Peyton really deserve that MVP? I don't really think so, I think it was a reward for his achievement over his career. That's what I think they should've done to A-Rod or at least give them co-MVP's for goodness sake. To say the least I thought A-Rod was a lock for the MVP, and was SHOCKED when CC was lined up for an interview. To say the least I wasn't the smallest bit happy. I was up screaming at the TV, and all over my house. Then I calmed down, and realized this was the first time in 6 years that the Yankees were going to the World Series, and had a serious shot at winning the whole thing. Before the series ever started, I called the Yanks in 6!

Needless to say, A-Rod deserved that MVP for how much crap he's taken from the media especially being in New York, and also he's sucked for his whole career in the post-season, and just has been amazing this year. Yes the same can be said about CC. Never has performed in the big dance. But with everything that A-Rod has given through, and his past history in the post-season, give him the MVP. He deserves it!

Let's go Yanks! Win number 27. Their's a reason why they gave Girardi that number!

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